What made you decide to invest in selfmade?

What made you decide to invest in selfmade?

Learn the motivations behind our investors' decision to invest in selfmade and a bit about their emotional human side.

Angella Reid

Why is investing in BIPOC and Gen Z emotional wellbeing important to you?

In a world driven by the lightning speed of social media and constant change, the importance of self-regulation and holistic well-being cannot be overstated. selfmade's mission to create a bridge between mental health and physical care resonates deeply with me, especially when considering the unique challenges that Gen Z faces. By providing this innovative platform that encourages self-empowerment and emphasizes the relationship between caring for one's skin and nurturing mental health, selfmade is fostering a positive shift in attitudes and behaviors. Moreover, as an advocate for women in business, I greatly appreciate selfmade's efforts to break new ground in a field that intersects healthcare, wellness, and entrepreneurship. Their initiative aligns perfectly with my values and aspirations to support women-led endeavors that have a positive impact on society.

When you feel stressed, how does that show up on your skin/body/hair?

Typically I experience breakouts on my face; I know immediately something is amiss and I usually apply a topical cream to quell the outbreak overnight.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

As it pertains to my skin/hair the #1 advice would be to avoid hair relaxers as they will have long term damage to hair and skin. For me it led to irritated scalp and damaged hair follicles. Admittedly, that's one of my biggest regrets. How I feel about my hair is a big part of my self confidence. More generally I would have liked to have known about Meditation in my 20's and practiced it consistently. I have always found it difficult to turn off the voice in my head, an inability to stop and just be, leaves me drained.


Maggie Evers

Why is investing in BIPOC and Gen Z emotional wellbeing important to you?

Part of one’s emotional well-being means access to mental healthcare and the BIPOC community is particularly underserved for a multitude of reasons. A BIPOC-founded company with a focus on self care, mental and emotional wellness, and connecting with the next generation brings much needed attention to this. Gen Z is a powerful cohort who is pushing for positive change. As a millennial (who still refuses to give up skinny jeans), it is important for me to foster a greater connection with this force of a generation who refuses to accept the status quo.

When you feel stressed, how does that show up on your skin/body/hair?

Hair loss and dark under eye circles!

What advice would you give to your younger self? or in Maggie's case her kids? about themselves/emotional wellbeing

To my younger self: wear sunscreen every single day. It’s okay to be anxious.

To my kids: learn how to recognize, describe, and accept your emotions. All emotions are okay! Perfection isn’t the goal, learning from your mistakes is.


Allison Tyma

Why is investing in BIPOC and Gen Z emotional wellbeing important to you?

As a person who grew up in white, suburban America, I wasn't exposed to a lot of diversity. As I've gotten older, I've been learning about the value of living in a more balanced society. Hearing about and learning from communities that have historically been excluded from the narrative has become increasingly important to me. Investing in companies run by BIPOC elevates their voices and increases representation which contribute to creating that more balanced society. Culturally diverse businesses are vital to building a better, more inclusive future for BIPOC and their families and I'm honored to help contribute to that.

I always say, "Gen Z is going to save the world!" They're empathetic, conscientious, and they're more self-aware than the generations before them. Those qualities are beneficial to anyone and everyone, and we should nurture them as Gen Z begins entering the workforce.

Ultimately, investing in the emotional wellbeing of BIPOC and Gen Z will help the next generation grow up feeling valued, that their voices are important, and most importantly, that they matter.

When you feel stressed, how does that show up on your skin/body/hair?

When I'm stressed self-care is usually the first thing kicked off my priority list and I end up not taking care of myself the way I should. My skin and hair get dry because I skip moisturizing and don't drink enough water. I start picking at imperfections on my face. I typically get very tired because stress makes me lose my appetite and I know I'm not getting enough nutrients.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

It's okay to let yourself feel. You don't have to suppress your emotions in order to make others feel more comfortable. Feelings and emotions aren't good or bad, they just are. Also, taking care of yourself is not selfish! After all, you can't pour from an empty cup.


Why is investing in BIPOC and Gen Z emotional wellbeing important to you?

We live in a society where we are not conditioned how to navigate our emotional world - and humans are innately just that - emotions & energy. Being part of Selfmade and helping to bring awareness and tools to support individuals manage their internal world is a huge passion for me.

When you feel stressed, how does that show up on your skin/body/hair?

Omg my body revolts - hives & eczema. Not fun! Having self care routines is especially important for me - lots of water, clean foods, exercise, and skincare.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Just go for it!

    Taylor Dediego

    Why is investing in BIPOC and Gen Z emotional wellbeing important to you?

    As someone who has been in the beauty industry for a long time, I am invested in seeing the inherent whiteness and external value of traditional beauty standards end. And by supporting BIPOC founders' and young people's emotional well-being, we can re-prioritize what is important as an industry: more compassion, more understanding, more representation, more cool projects, more opinions, more versatile products, more giving a damn about how we take care of each other and ourselves.

    When you feel stressed, how does that show up on your skin/body/hair?

    My stress shows up in breakouts—even in my 30s! Which can feel even more vulnerable.

    What advice would you give to your younger self?

    Your perceived self worth will guide your journey. So repeat this mantra in meditation every day: You are valuable, loved, and safe no matter what.



    Why is investing in BIPOC and Gen Z emotional wellbeing important to you?

    Well 1) I LOVE Stephanie Lee and would support her to the end of the world but a lesser known 2) is that I've had the True Grit resilience scrub on my shower shelf for almost a year now (and yes, it is empty), but the words "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail" are almost burned into my brain now. Every time I shower I ponder this question and as a co-founder myself, I think this daily reminder has given me the grit I need each day to continue on my anti-norm sex brand-building journey and I'm THRILLED to support them in bringing this message to more folks.

    When you feel stressed, how does that show up on your skin/body/hair?

    My skin feels dull and tired when I'm stressed!

    What advice would you give to your younger self?

    Your perceived self worth will guide your journey. So repeat this mantra in meditation every day: You are valuable, loved, and safe no matter what.


    Our investors come from all backgrounds, interests, and ages and are unified by a vision of improving BIPOC and Gen Z emotional wellbeing. Interested in investing? Click this link to learn more and get involved.